"Seeking" by Krystyn Hartman. Collage-Mixed Media |
Exciting event for me! My first framed art pieces! They look so "real" framed! Gayle Gerson, the instructor from the Collage/Mixed Media class I took a few months ago with my mom, suggested we students participate in the upcoming Instructor-Student art show at the Art Center here in Grand Junction.
When she first mentioned it, I thought, "yeah, right." But the more art I create, the more I enjoy it, and thought, why not?
This weekend, I selected three pieces to frame for the show. My husband helped me spray mount and frame them. (He patiently photographed them for me too -- despite the lighting challenges in our living room in late evening.)
Seeing them framed was such a strange feeling! They look real! Here are two of them.
"Recovering" by Krystyn Hartman. Collage-Mixed Media |
The opening reception for the Instructor-Student exhibit is Friday, July 6, at the Art Center from 7-9 p.m. (Part of Grand Junction's monthly First Fridays art events.) The exhibit runs through the end of the month. I've never had art in a show before, so I'm a little nervous and intimidated (artist Gayle creates collage masterpieces -- she is amazing), but what the heck?
We have the option of making the pieces in the show for sale or not. I'm going to make mine available for sale, just in case?
I am really enjoying creating art pieces in collage and mixed media. I like adding bits of wood, metal, and wire to them. And I love using the powdered pigments in my pieces.
Oh, and circles. I love starting with circles in my pieces. Of course, that's probably that science-nut connection.