Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The piano, basic walls and floor of my little music video cafe

My clay stop-motion music video project is underway. As you can see, I have the floor and walls of the little set done!

I started out with the idea of a living room in a house where the pianist (Mike), sax-man (Warren), and I (vocalist) are rehearsing, but when I saw the little black and white tile squares for only $2.40 per square foot at Home Depot, I knew it had to be a small cafe instead of a living room. That tile just screamed cafe to me. And knowing I only needed six of those tile squares because the whole thing is only 3' wide by 2' deep, how could I resist?

I cut the three walls from old Grand Valley Magazine cover posters (felt strange cutting them up like that); my husband sprayed them with wall texture stuff and painted them yellow. I have no idea what color cafe walls are supposed to be, but yellow paint is what we had, so this cafe's walls are yellow.

The table cloths were cut from...

Flying the friendly skies with Frankenstein and his monster

After mourning the death of his loved ones, Victor Frankenstein, using chemistry, electricity, and the latest technology, brings a dead body back to life. The frightened villagers reject the creature as a monster that then wreaks havoc. Frankenstein feels guilty for having created it. The monster vows revenge on Frankenstein and his family. They pursue each other across the country, right to the end.

After the tragic loss of thousands of our loved ones in the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the Aviation and Transportation Security Act of 2001 was signed into law. The ATSA authorized unprecedented security measures for virtually all forms of transportation, but primarily airports and ocean ports.